Is SSE floating-point arithmetic reproducible?(SSE 浮点算术是否可重现?)
Efficient way to round double precision numbers to a lower precision given in number of bits(将双精度数舍入到以位数给出的较低精度的有效方法)
Why does a float variable stop incrementing at 16777216 in C#?(为什么浮点变量在 C# 中在 16777216 处停止递增?)
How can I test for negative zero?(如何测试负零?)
Converting String To Float in C#(在 C# 中将字符串转换为浮点数)
In .net, how do I choose between a Decimal and a Double(在 .net 中,如何在十进制和双精度之间进行选择)
Is floating point arithmetic stable?(浮点运算稳定吗?)
The Microsoft ACE driver changes the floating point precision in the rest of my program(Microsoft ACE 驱动程序更改了我程序其余部分的浮点精度)
Why does quot;dtoa.cquot; contain so much code?(为什么“dtoa.c包含这么多代码?)
How does modulus operation works with float data type?(模数运算如何与浮点数据类型一起使用?)