

SimpleXML access separated text nodes(SimpleXML访问分隔的文本节点)
simplexml_load_file problems(Simexml_Load_FILE问题)
Last XML Items Isn#39;t Removable From The XML(最后一个XML项不能从XML中删除)
Using Simplexml#39;s Xpath to filter nodes based upon value in PHP(使用Simplexml的XPath根据PHP中的值过滤节点)
Basic mathematics in PHP Simplexml(PHP Simplexml中的基本数学)
Parsing XML with SimpleXML returns nothing(使用SimpleXML解析XML不会返回任何内容)
How can I get PHP simplexml to save lt; as itself instead of amp;lt;(如何让PHP implexml将lt;保存为自身,而不是amp;lt;)
How to remove a node if it exists with simpleXML(如果节点存在简单XML,如何删除该节点)
Accessing a nested node in an XML load by SimpleXMLElement(通过SimpleXMLElement访问XML加载中的嵌套节点)
Parse through unknown XML(解析未知的XML)