md5(uniqid) makes sense for random unique tokens?(md5(uniqid) 对随机唯一令牌有意义吗?)
How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP?(我们如何在 PHP 中创建一个相当安全的密码哈希?)
Password does not match after being encrypted using crypt() and password_hash() function(使用 crypt() 和 password_hash() 函数加密后密码不匹配)
How to generate random password with PHP?(如何使用 PHP 生成随机密码?)
How to log in to phpMyAdmin with WAMP, what is the username and password?(如何使用 WAMP 登录 phpMyAdmin,用户名和密码是什么?)
php password_hash and password_verify issues no match(php password_hash 和 password_verify 问题不匹配)
Crypt for password hashing. Blowfish produces weird output(用于密码散列的 Crypt.河豚产生奇怪的输出)
phpseclib - Can I connect using username, key and password (not a key passphrase)(phpseclib - 我可以使用用户名、密钥和密码(不是密钥密码)进行连接吗)
openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac? Difference between SALT amp; HMAC?(openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac?盐与盐的区别HMAC?)
Create preg_match for password validation allowing (!@#$%)(为密码验证创建 preg_match 允许 (!@#$%))