

Using decltype to cast this to const(使用 decltype 将其强制转换为 const)
c - what does this 2 const mean?(c - 这个 2 const 是什么意思?)
Why can#39;t a const method return a non-const reference?(为什么 const 方法不能返回非常量引用?)
how to change the value of std::priority_queue top()?(如何更改 std::priority_queue top() 的值?)
Declaring readonly variables on a C++ class or struct(在 C++ 类或结构上声明只读变量)
C++, Classes, Const, and strange syntax(C++、类、常量和奇怪的语法)
Invoking a nonconst method on a member from a const method(从 const 方法对成员调用非 const 方法)
deducing references to const from rvalue arguments(从右值参数推导出对 const 的引用)
Vector of structs with const members?(具有 const 成员的结构向量?)
Is it allowed to cast away const on a const-defined object as long as it is not actually modified?(只要未实际修改,是否允许在 const 定义的对象上丢弃 const?)