

If it safe to return an InputStream from try-with-resource(如果从 try-with-resource 返回 InputStream 是安全的)
Unreachable statement?(无法到达的声明?)
What does return do when used inside an if statement?(在 if 语句中使用 return 时有什么作用?)
Understanding try catch finally with return and value that it returns(了解 try catch finally 及其返回的返回值和值)
Return multiple values in Java(在 Java 中返回多个值)
Java#39;s strange behavior while returning from finally block(从 finally 块返回时 Java 的奇怪行为)
What actually happens if I return false in a OnTouchListener?(如果我在 OnTouchListener 中返回 false,实际会发生什么?)
Missing return statement in for loop(for循环中缺少return语句)
The method must return a type int(该方法必须返回一个 int 类型)
What is the use of return statement in a void function(void函数中的return语句有什么用)