

Spring Boot 2 Multiple Datasources initialize schema(Spring Boot 2 多个数据源初始化模式)
Initialization in polymorphism of variables(变量多态的初始化)
Execution order of Enum in java(java中枚举的执行顺序)
Order of initialization/instantiation of class variables of derived class and invoking of base class constructor(派生类的类变量的初始化/实例化顺序和基类构造函数的调用)
Can#39;t define a private static final variable because it throws an exception(无法定义私有静态最终变量,因为它会引发异常)
Spring Dependency Injection into JPA entity listener(将 Spring 依赖注入到 JPA 实体侦听器中)
How to use spring Repository without @Id?(如何在没有@Id的情况下使用spring Repository?)
SpringData : is it possible to have subqueries in the Query annotation?(SpringData:查询注释中是否可以有子查询?)
Specifying whether or not to lazily load with Spring Data(指定是否延迟加载 Spring Data)
Query a document and all of its subdocuments that match a condition in mongodb (using spring)(在mongodb中查询一个文档及其所有匹配条件的子文档(使用spring))