

How to handle multiple languages in Java apps?(如何在 Java 应用程序中处理多种语言?)
In Java how do I find out what languages I have available my Resource Bundle(在 Java 中,我如何找出我的资源包可用的语言)
If you have the ISO country code `US`, `FR`, how do you get the Locale code (`Locale.US`, `Locale.FRANCE`)?(如果您有 ISO 国家代码 `US`、`FR`,如何获得区域设置代码(`Locale.US`、`Locale.FRANCE`)?)
Two Maven Dependency for latest and old version conflicts(最新和旧版本冲突的两个 Maven 依赖关系)
Spring Data Rest Add custom endpoint to specific reposiotry(Spring Data Rest 将自定义端点添加到特定存储库)
DBRefs (Mongo Document references) not fetched eagerly(未急切获取 DBRefs(Mongo 文档引用))
Spring Data JPA and QueryDSL(Spring Data JPA 和 QueryDSL)
Eclipse gets stuck when trying to launch Android app(Eclipse 在尝试启动 Android 应用程序时卡住了)
How to use optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB?(如何在 Spring Data MongoDB 中使用乐观锁定?)
Spring Data JPA - Lazy Loaded collection fetched without @Transactional(Spring Data JPA - 在没有 @Transactional 的情况下获取延迟加载的集合)