

Sonar is showing new violations in old code(Sonar 在旧代码中显示新的违规行为)
Sonar quot;useless assignment to local variablequot; workaround?(声纳“对局部变量的无用赋值解决方法?)
Solution for Magic Number issue......?(幻数问题的解决方案......?)
Sonar asks to quot;Use try-with-resources or close this quot;Connectionquot; in a quot;finallyquot; clause.quot;(Sonar 要求“使用 try-with-resources 或关闭此“连接.在“终于中条款.)
Sonarqube background tasks running forever(Sonarqube 后台任务永远运行)
WSO2 ESB Unable to convert complete JSON data to XML(WSO2 ESB 无法将完整的 JSON 数据转换为 XML)
ERROR - ListenerManager Couldn#39;t initialize the httpstransport listener - WSO2(错误 - ListenerManager 无法初始化 httpstransport 侦听器 - WSO2)
How to SuppressWarnings for #39;common-java#39; rules(如何抑制“common-java规则的警告)
One of your SonarQube server cannot be reached. Please check your connection settings(无法访问您的 SonarQube 服务器之一.请检查您的连接设置)
Write to static field from instance method(从实例方法写入静态字段)