

m2e Subclipse Connector error - #39;bundle org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core [1.6.0,1.9.0)(m2e Subclipse 连接器错误 - bundle org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core [1.6.0,1.9.0))
Failed to create the part#39;s controls in Eclipse with Salesforce(使用 Salesforce 在 Eclipse 中创建部件控件失败)
Externalizing strings in plugin.xml for Eclipse plugin(在 Eclipse 插件的 plugin.xml 中外部化字符串)
Code Completion not working with remote file (with RSE)(代码完成不适用于远程文件(使用 RSE))
How to add a folder to java build path as library, having multiple jars or entries in it?(如何将文件夹作为库添加到 java 构建路径,其中包含多个 jar 或条目?)
Project has no project.properties file(项目没有 project.properties 文件)
Eclipse Plugin: how to get the path to the currently selected project(Eclipse Plugin:如何获取当前选中项目的路径)
Subclipse error -- Subversion Native Library not available(Subclipse 错误——Subversion 本机库不可用)
PyDev for Eclipse - Resolve Python dependencies (unresolved imports)(PyDev for Eclipse - 解决 Python 依赖项(未解决的导入))
Are there any good ssh consoles for Eclipse?(Eclipse 有什么好的 ssh 控制台吗?)