Java -classpath option(Java -classpath 选项)
Java System Environment Variable(Java 系统环境变量)
Maven JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly, but it is(Maven JAVA_HOME 环境变量未正确定义,但它是)
Difference between System.getenv() amp; System.getProperty()(System.getenv() amp; 之间的区别System.getProperty())
JAVA_HOME and PATH are set but java -version still shows the old one(JAVA_HOME 和 PATH 已设置,但 java -version 仍显示旧版本)
How to give environmental variable path for file appender in configuration file in log4j(如何在 log4j 的配置文件中为文件附加程序提供环境变量路径)
Referencing Environment Variables in web.xml(在 web.xml 中引用环境变量)
What#39;s the difference between a System property and environment variable(系统属性和环境变量有什么区别)
How to set CATALINA_HOME variable in windows 7?(如何在 Windows 7 中设置 CATALINA_HOME 变量?)
How to set an environment variable in Java using exec?(如何使用 exec 在 Java 中设置环境变量?)