

How to specify two Fields in Lucene QueryParser?(如何在 Lucene QueryParser 中指定两个字段?)
How do you run Lucene on .net?(你如何在 .net 上运行 Lucene?)
How do I index and search text files in Lucene 3.0.2?(如何在 Lucene 3.0.2 中索引和搜索文本文件?)
Lucene Proximity Search for phrase with more than two words(Lucene Proximity 搜索超过两个词的短语)
Timing out a query in Solr(Solr 中的查询超时)
Lucene OR search using Boolean query(Lucene OR 使用布尔查询进行搜索)
How to solve the #39;Lock obtain timed out#39; when using Solr plainly?(简单使用 Solr 时如何解决“锁定获取超时?)
How to extract Document Term Vector in Lucene 3.5.0(如何在 Lucene 3.5.0 中提取文档术语向量)
Is there a fast, accurate Highlighter for Lucene?(是否有适用于 Lucene 的快速、准确的荧光笔?)
very slow highlight performance in lucene(lucene 中的高光性能非常慢)