Standard practices for logging in MapReduce jobs(登录 MapReduce 作业的标准做法)
Streaming or custom Jar in Hadoop(Hadoop 中的流式处理或自定义 Jar)
Setting external jars to hadoop classpath(将外部 jar 设置为 hadoop 类路径)
Problem starting tasktracker in hadoop under windows(windows下hadoop中启动tasktracker的问题)
Skipping the first line of the .csv in Map reduce java(在 Map reduce java 中跳过 .csv 的第一行)
Serialization using ArrayWritable seems to work in a funny way(使用 ArrayWritable 的序列化似乎以一种有趣的方式工作)
YarnException: Unauthorized request to start container(YarnException:启动容器的未经授权的请求)
HDFS write resulting in quot; CreateSymbolicLink error (1314): A required privilege is not held by the client.quot;(HDFS 写入导致CreateSymbolicLink 错误 (1314):客户端未持有所需的权限.)
Chaining Multi-Reducers in a Hadoop MapReduce job(在 Hadoop MapReduce 作业中链接 Multi-Reducer)
Using Hadoop for the First Time, MapReduce Job does not run Reduce Phase(首次使用 Hadoop,MapReduce Job 不运行 Reduce Phase)