

MongoDB extracting values from BasicDBObject (Java)(MongoDB 从 BasicDBObject (Java) 中提取值)
Reading an array in mongodb?(在 mongodb 中读取数组?)
How to return N1qlQueryResult as the response of REST API for Couchbase databse?(如何返回 N1qlQueryResult 作为 Couchbase 数据库的 REST API 的响应?)
Designing Unique Keys(Primary Keys) for a heavily denormalized NoSQL database(为高度非规范化的 NoSQL 数据库设计唯一键(主键))
MongoDb Streaming Out Inserted Data in Real-time (or near real-time)(MongoDb 实时(或接近实时)流出插入的数据)
Secondary sorting in Map-Reduce(Map-Reduce 中的二次排序)
How can I access the Mapper/Reducer counters on the Output stage?(如何访问输出阶段的 Mapper/Reducer 计数器?)
YarnException: Unauthorized request to start container(YarnException:启动容器的未经授权的请求)
HDFS write resulting in quot; CreateSymbolicLink error (1314): A required privilege is not held by the client.quot;(HDFS 写入导致CreateSymbolicLink 错误 (1314):客户端未持有所需的权限.)
Chaining Multi-Reducers in a Hadoop MapReduce job(在 Hadoop MapReduce 作业中链接 Multi-Reducer)