

UnsatisfiedLinkError (Native method not found)(UnsatisfiedLinkError(未找到本机方法))
JNI memory management using the Invocation API(使用调用 API 的 JNI 内存管理)
JNI Attach/Detach thread memory management(JNI Attach/Detach 线程内存管理)
How do I convert jstring to wchar_t *(如何将 jstring 转换为 wchar_t *)
Shared memory between C++ and Java processes(C++ 和 Java 进程之间的共享内存)
Can I know the name of the class that calls a JNI C method?(我能知道调用 JNI C 方法的类的名称吗?)
Passing a pointer from JNI to Java using a long(使用 long 将指针从 JNI 传递到 Java)
How should I load native libraries for JNI to avoid an UnsatisfiedLinkError?(我应该如何为 JNI 加载本机库以避免 UnsatisfiedLinkError?)
pass data between Java and C(在 Java 和 C 之间传递数据)
Calling JNI_CreateJavaVM function twice(两次调用 JNI_CreateJavaVM 函数)