

why polymorphism doesn#39;t treat generic collections and plain arrays the same way?(为什么多态性不以相同的方式对待泛型集合和普通数组?)
Passing Derived Class to a method which needs to override expecting a base class(将派生类传递给需要重写期望基类的方法)
How should I cast for Java generic with multiple bounds?(我应该如何转换具有多个边界的 Java 泛型?)
Java generics parameter bounding to any of a range of types(Java 泛型参数绑定到任何类型的范围)
Force base method call(强制基方法调用)
What is polymorphic method in java?(java中的多态方法是什么?)
“overriding” private methods with upcasting call in java(在java中使用向上转换调用“覆盖私有方法)
Does instanceof return true if instance of a parent?(如果是父实例,instanceof 是否返回 true?)
What#39;s design pattern does Collections.sort use?(Collections.sort 使用什么设计模式?)
How do I force a polymorphic call to the super method?(如何强制对超级方法进行多态调用?)