Parsing Schema in Java With imports and includes?(使用导入和包含在 Java 中解析模式?)
Validate an XML against an XSD in Java / Getting a hold of the schemaLocation(在 Java 中针对 XSD 验证 XML/获取 schemaLocation)
How to Reference Local XSD File By Relative Path(如何通过相对路径引用本地 XSD 文件)
How to make xml schema relate(link) to JTable,xml java?(如何使 xml 模式与 JTable、xml java 相关(链接)?)
XML schema or DTD for logback.xml?(logback.xml 的 XML 模式或 DTD?)
How to fix Eclipse validation error quot;No grammar constraints detected for the documentquot;?(如何修复 Eclipse 验证错误“未检测到文档的语法约束?)
Validate an XML File Against Multiple Schema Definitions(针对多个模式定义验证 XML 文件)
How to deal with JAXB ComplexType with MixedContent data?(如何处理带有 MixedContent 数据的 JAXB ComplexType?)
Required Multiple beans of same type in Spring(Spring中需要多个相同类型的bean)
Android schema validation(Android 架构验证)