eclipse 无法检测到我的手机进行试运行

My phone cannot be detected in eclipse to test run(eclipse 无法检测到我的手机进行试运行)
本文介绍了eclipse 无法检测到我的手机进行试运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在问我的问题之前,我查看了一些与我有相同问题的线程,并尝试了所有给定的解决方案,但均未成功.我来自马来西亚.我无法检测到我的设备以在手机上测试我的应用程序.我已经检查了手机中的未知来源"和USB 调试"设置.我正在使用日食.但是如果我创建一个随机的虚拟设备,我的应用就可以在那里运行.

Before asking my question, I have looked through a few threads that share the same problem as me and have tried all the given solution with no success. I am from Malaysia. I cannot get my device to be detected to test my app on my phone. I have checked both the "Unknown sources" and "USB debugging" settings in my phone. I am using eclipse. But if I create a random virtual device, my app is able to run there.

好的,所以我使用的是 Motorola Atrix 2.而且我使用的是 Windows 8 Pro 64 位

Okay so I am using a Motorola Atrix 2. And I'm using Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

我从这里下载了 android SDK 包:

I have downloaded android SDK bundle from here :

我也尝试下载最新的驱动程序,但没有成功.我还在清单中添加了这一行 android:debuggable="true"我已经尝试过作为大容量存储设备和媒体传输设备.我将非常感谢任何帮助,因为到目前为止,我无法进一步开发 Android 应用程序,这让我感到难过.:(我附上了一张应该在窗口中检测到我的 android 手机的图片,但如您所见,没有.

I have also tried downloading the latest driver with no success. I have also added this line in the manifest android:debuggable="true" I have tried both as a mass storage device and a media transferring device. I would appreciate any help a lot because as of now, I cannot progress further into developing an android app and that saddens me. :( I have attached a picture of which my android phone should be detected in the window, but as you can see, none.


从以下地址下载:ABD 通用驱动

并安装它.请确保在安装之前已插入设备,并确保您在手机设置中处于 U​​SB 调试模式.

and install it. Make sure you have your device plugged in before installing and make sure you are on USB debug mode on the phone settings.

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