

Getting a Dynamically-Generated Pivot-Table into a Temp Table(将动态生成的数据透视表放入临时表)
Write advanced SQL Select(编写高级 SQL Select)
Dynamic SQL Server Pivot ( UNPIVOT ) column name to a row value(动态 SQL Server Pivot (UNPIVOT) 列名到行值)
SQL Server - Transpose rows into columns(SQL Server - 将行转换为列)
Getting the top 6 items in a column to pivot to a row in SQL(获取列中的前 6 个项目以在 SQL 中旋转到一行)
How can I write SQL in Oracle in my case?(在我的情况下,如何在 Oracle 中编写 SQL?)
SQL Server : Pivot with custom column names(SQL Server:使用自定义列名进行数据透视)
mysql pivoting - how can I fetch data from the same table into different columns?(mysql pivoting - 如何将同一张表中的数据提取到不同的列中?)
PIVOTing variable number of rows to columns(将可变数量的行旋转到列)
Transposing SQLite rows and columns with average per hour(以平均每小时转置 SQLite 行和列)