How to make an id field in SQL Server?(如何在 SQL Server 中创建 id 字段?)
Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom with VS2012 Ultimate(Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom 与 VS2012 Ultimate)
SQL Server 2012 : How to script all database stored procedures into separate .sql files?(SQL Server 2012:如何将所有数据库存储过程编写成单独的 .sql 文件?)
Getting Sum of an SQL table column until the sum reaches 5000(获取 SQL 表列的总和,直到总和达到 5000)
SQL Server 2012 SSDT quot;The project could not be deployed to .... A connection cannot be made ....quot;(SQL Server 2012 SSDT“无法将项目部署到......无法建立连接......)
Application can open .mdf with no log file but Management Studio can not attach(应用程序可以在没有日志文件的情况下打开 .mdf 但 Management Studio 无法附加)
Can I ignore logins when publishing a Visual Studio Database project?(发布 Visual Studio 数据库项目时可以忽略登录吗?)
Integrating Sqlite3 with MFC VS2012(将Sqlite3与MFC VS2012集成)
64 bit Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools(64 位 Microsoft SQL Server 数据工具)
SQL71501 - How to get rid of this error?(SQL71501 - 如何摆脱这个错误?)