

Can you have a Foreign Key onto a View of a Linked Server table in SQLServer 2k5?(您可以在 SQLServer 2k5 中的链接服务器表的视图上使用外键吗?)
Foreign key to composite key(外键到复合键)
Foreign Keys - What do they do for me?(外键——它们对我有什么作用?)
MySQL table with a varchar column as foreign key(以 varchar 列作为外键的 MySQL 表)
Mysql: adding foreign key does not give warning/error on MyISAM tables(Mysql:添加外键不会在 MyISAM 表上给出警告/错误)
Changing MySQL primary key when foreign key contraints exist(存在外键约束时更改 MySQL 主键)
Identifying Sybase tables, fields, keys, constraints(识别 Sybase 表、字段、键、约束)
For a composite foreign key, is a/why is a composite UNIQUE constraint in the referenced table required for a column combination with a primary key?(对于复合外键,与主键的列组合是否需要/为什么引用表中的复合 UNIQUE 约束?)
How to transpose mysql table rows into columns(如何将mysql表行转换为列)
Primary and Foreign Key at the same time(主键和外键同时进行)