Is there a PL/SQL pragma similar to DETERMINISTIC, but for the scope of one single SQL SELECT?(是否有类似于 DETERMINISTIC 的 PL/SQL pragma,但仅针对单个 SQL SELECT 的范围?)
Script to find multi level dependencies of a package(用于查找包的多级依赖项的脚本)
INSERT with ORDER on Oracle(在 Oracle 上使用 ORDER 插入)
Taking dump of tables in oracle 10g using PL/SQL procedure(使用 PL/SQL 过程在 oracle 10g 中转储表)
How to call procedure with out parameter as table type from a Java class(如何从 Java 类中调用带有 out 参数作为表类型的过程)
What is the equivalent of SQL Server APPLY in Oracle?(Oracle 中的 SQL Server APPLY 相当于什么?)
Unit testing for PL/SQL(PL/SQL 的单元测试)
syntax error when declaring variables in a pl/sql procedure(在 pl/sql 过程中声明变量时出现语法错误)
Executing a dynamic sql statement into a SYS_REFCURSOR(在 SYS_REFCURSOR 中执行动态 sql 语句)
TO_CHAR of an Oracle PL/SQL TABLE type(Oracle PL/SQL TABLE 类型的 TO_CHAR)