MySQL composite unique on FK#39;s(FK 上独一无二的 MySQL 组合)
Can the same column have primary key amp; foreign key constraint to another column(同一列可以有主键 amp;对另一列的外键约束)
Support for foreign key constraint in Rails(在 Rails 中支持外键约束)
Drop foreign key only if it exists(仅当存在外键时才删除它)
How to use MySQL index columns?(如何使用 MySQL 索引列?)
mysql Multiple Foreign Keys in a Table to the Same Primary Key(mysql 一个表中的多个外键指向同一个主键)
Can someone explain MySQL foreign keys(有人可以解释MySQL外键吗)
Why to use foreign keys with no action on delete or update(为什么要使用外键而不执行删除或更新操作)
Should I use foreign keys?(我应该使用外键吗?)
Foreign keys and NULL in mySQL(mySQL中的外键和NULL)