

When do triggers fire and when don#39;t they(什么时候触发火,什么时候不触发)
How should I audit changes in a MySQL table (using MySQL 4)?(我应该如何审核 MySQL 表中的更改(使用 MySQL 4)?)
Oracle DB audit trails(Oracle 数据库审计跟踪)
Need an abstract trigger in MySQL 5.1 to update an audit log(需要 MySQL 5.1 中的抽象触发器来更新审计日志)
Trigger for insert, update, delete(插入、更新、删除的触发器)
How to Audit Database Activity without Performance and Scalability Issues?(如何在没有性能和可扩展性问题的情况下审计数据库活动?)
Oracle - Audit Trail for a specific user(Oracle - 特定用户的审计跟踪)
SQL Server Change Data Capture - Capture user who made the change(SQL Server Change Data Capture - 捕获进行更改的用户)
is there a mysql function to decode html entities?(是否有 mysql 函数来解码 html 实体?)
NodeJS responded MySQL timezone is different when I fetch directly from MySQL(当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同)