

How can I create a SQL unique constraint based on 2 columns?(如何基于 2 列创建 SQL 唯一约束?)
Three table join with joins other than INNER JOIN(三表联接与除 INNER JOIN 以外的联接)
Best paging solution using SQL Server 2005?(使用 SQL Server 2005 的最佳分页解决方案?)
Omitting the Milliseconds in a Date(省略日期中的毫秒数)
Does MySQL permit callbacks in C such that when a change happens, I can be notified?(MySQL 是否允许在 C 中进行回调,以便在发生更改时可以通知我?)
nodeJS return value from callback(nodeJS 从回调返回值)
How to get rid of STRICT SQL mode in MySQL(如何摆脱 MySQL 中的 STRICT SQL 模式)
What are the first issues to check while optimizing an existing database?(优化现有数据库时首先要检查的问题是什么?)
Chaining orX in Doctrine2 query builder(在 Doctrine2 查询构建器中链接 orX)
Doctrine2 LEFT JOIN with 2 conditions(Doctrine2 LEFT JOIN 有 2 个条件)