How to write a trigger to abort delete in MYSQL?(如何编写触发器以在 MYSQL 中中止删除?)
TSQL: Try-Catch Transaction in Trigger(TSQL:触发器中的 Try-Catch 事务)
How to create Triggers to add the change events into Audit Log tables(如何创建触发器以将更改事件添加到审计日志表中)
Trigger calls in cascade deleting(在级联删除中触发调用)
How can I do a BEFORE UPDATED trigger with sql server?(如何使用 sql server 执行 BEFORE UPDATED 触发器?)
Sql Server trigger insert values from new row into another table(Sql Server 触发器将新行中的值插入到另一个表中)
Can I launch a trigger on select statement in mysql?(我可以在 mysql 中的 select 语句上启动触发器吗?)
Using MySQL triggers to log all table changes to a secondary table(使用 MySQL 触发器将所有表更改记录到辅助表)
SQL update trigger only when column is modified(仅在修改列时触发 SQL 更新)
Is there a way to disable a SQL Server trigger for just a particular scope of execution?(有没有办法仅针对特定执行范围禁用 SQL Server 触发器?)