Top n distinct values of one column in Oracle(Oracle 中一列的前 n 个不同值)
In Oracle, is it possible to convert very large string (clob) separated by comma in to table with better performance(在Oracle中,是否可以将逗号分隔的非常大的字符串(clob)转换为具有更好性能的表)
Can an oracle SQL query execute a string query selected from a table?(oracle SQL 查询可以执行从表中选择的字符串查询吗?)
Blank character ignored in where clause(where 子句中忽略的空白字符)
Transposing and aggregating Oracle column data(转置和聚合 Oracle 列数据)
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP(Even after extending)(java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01652: 无法在表空间 TEMP 中将临时段扩展 128(即使在扩展之后))
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Temp table in oracle does not get created ORA-00942(未在 oracle 中创建立即执行临时表 ORA-00942)
How can I get the complete definition (sql) of system views like user_objects?(如何获得 user_objects 等系统视图的完整定义 (sql)?)
Oracle Trigger to update a the same table(Oracle触发器更新同一张表)