Using CASE WHEN with newly created columns(对新创建的列使用大小写)
Returning the original value if it doesn#39;t match any of the when_expressions(如果原始值与任何When_Expression都不匹配,则返回原始值)
MySQL join two tables based on a condition(MySQL基于条件连接两个表)
Oracle SQL - LISTAGG will be called even condition of CASE statement will not be fullfilled(Oracle SQL-LISTAGG将被称为EVEN CASE语句的条件将不会填满)
case when date column is greater than sysdate then #39;Y#39;(如果日期列大于sysdate,则#39;Y#39;)
Sql server map action to state to get the right result(Sql server将操作映射到状态以获得正确的结果。)
listagg produces ORA-01489 if used as window function in conditional expression(如果Listagg用作条件表达式中的窗口函数,则会生成ORA-01489)
How use case in complex way(如何以复杂的方式使用用例)
How to convert BLOB to CLOB?(如何将BLOB转换为CLOB?)
How can I perform a SELECT DISTINCT on all fields except a BLOB?(如何对除BLOB之外的所有字段执行SELECT DISTINCT?)