

How to connect to SQL Server 2005 database through Ruby(如何通过 Ruby 连接到 SQL Server 2005 数据库)
MySQL concepts: session vs connection(MySQL 概念:会话与连接)
Inno Setup: add GUI to connect to SQL(Inno Setup:添加 GUI 以连接到 SQL)
SQL Server to MySQL data transfer(SQL Server 到 MySQL 数据传输)
how to escape special characters in mysql jdbc connection string(如何转义mysql jdbc连接字符串中的特殊字符)
To close or not to close an Oracle Connection?(关闭或不关闭 Oracle 连接?)
Mule - stop all flows from shutting down where MySQL connection in single flow fails(Mule - 在单流中的 MySQL 连接失败的情况下阻止所有流关闭)
Affected rows for ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute 的受影响行)
Unclosed connection - Connection Pool debugging SQL Server(未关闭的连接 - 连接池调试 SQL Server)
Very slow (1 second) connections(非常慢(1 秒)的连接)