ORA -12953: 请求超出了最大允许的数据库大小 11GB

ORA -12953: The request exceed the maximum allowed database size of 11GB(ORA -12953: 请求超出了最大允许的数据库大小 11GB)
本文介绍了ORA -12953: 请求超出了最大允许的数据库大小 11GB的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们有 oracle express edition 11g,即 ORACLE XE 64 位.数据库中有 10GB 可用空间.但是系统表空间已满 98%,有 2 个系统表空间.当我们(我们的启动团队)尝试使用 ALTER 命令添加或调整数据文件或表空间时,我们收到以下错误:

We have oracle express edition 11g i.e. ORACLE XE 64bit. There is 10GB available space in the database. But system tablespace is 98% full, there are 2 system tabalespaces. When we (our startup team) try to ADD or RESIZE the datafile or tablespace using ALTER command we get following error:

ORA -12953:请求超出了最大允许的数据库大小 11GB

ORA -12953: The request exceed the maximum allowed database size of 11GB


What should be done to add or resize the datafile?



What should be done to add or resize the datafile?

什么也做不了.XE 版本限制为 11GB 的数据,请参阅 此链接

Nothing can be done. The XE version is limited to 11GB of data, see this link

Oracle 数据库快捷版
Oracle 数据库快捷版 (Oracle Database XE) 是 Oracle 数据库的入门级版本,下载快速,安装和管理简单,并且可以免费使用开发、部署和分发.Oracle 数据库 XE 使您可以轻松地无需昂贵且复杂的升级到其他版本的 Oracle迁移.Oracle 数据库 XE 可以安装在任何大小的机器上使用任意数量的 CPU,存储多达 11 GB 的用户数据,使用多达1 GB 内存,并且在主机上仅使用一个 CPU.支持是由在线论坛提供.

Oracle Database Express Edition
Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) is an entry-level edition of Oracle Database that is quick to download, simple to install and manage, and is free to develop, deploy, and distribute. Oracle Database XE makes it easy to upgrade to the other editions of Oracle without costly and complex migrations. Oracle Database XE can be installed on any size machine with any number of CPUs, stores up to 11 GB of user data, using up to 1 GB of memory, and using only one CPU on the host machine. Support is provided by an online forum.



您还可以在 Oracle 的技术网络中注册并使用 Oracle 的任何产品(包括 Oracle 的 Standard 和他们的下载站点)免费提供Enterprice数据库版本,但仅用于测试和开发目的.


You can purchase Standard or Enterprise edition, which don't have this restriction (but you must pay for it).

You can also register in Oracle's Technology Network and use any of Oracle's product (including Oracle's Standard and Enterprice database editions from their download site) for free, but only for testing and development purposes.

See this licence for details:

Oracle 授予您非排他性的、内部使用程序的不可转让的有限许可,受本协议规定的限制,仅适用于开发、测试、原型制作和演示您的应用程序,并且只要您的应用程序尚未用于任何数据处理、业务、商业或生产目的,以及不得用于任何其他目的.

License Rights and Restrictions
Oracle grants You a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to internally use the Programs, subject to the restrictions stated in this Agreement, only for the purpose of developing, testing, prototyping, and demonstrating Your application and only as long as Your application has not been used for any data processing, business, commercial, or production purposes, and not for any other purpose.

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