

Extract sql query from LINQ expressions(从 LINQ 表达式中提取 sql 查询)
Linq2SQl eager load with multiple DataLoadOptions(具有多个 DataLoadOptions 的 Linq2SQl 急切加载)
How to know if a field is numeric in Linq To SQL(如何在 Linq To SQL 中知道字段是否为数字)
Is Unpivot (Not Pivot) functionality available in Linq to SQL? How?(Linq to SQL 中是否提供 Unpivot(非 Pivot)功能?如何?)
Linq row not found or changed(未找到或更改 Linq 行)
How to determine which fields where changed in a Linq-To-Sql Object(如何确定 Linq-To-Sql 对象中哪些字段发生了变化)
How to inner join tables from different Data Context?(如何内部连接来自不同数据上下文的表?)
How to load entire stream into MemoryStream?(如何将整个流加载到 MemoryStream 中?)
Convert a Stream to a FileStream in C#(在 C# 中将流转换为 FileStream)
Do you need to call Flush() on a stream or writer if you are using the “using” statement?(如果使用“using语句,是否需要在流或写入器上调用 Flush()?)