convert base64Binary to pdf(将base64Binary转换为pdf)
how to send binary data within an xml string(如何在 xml 字符串中发送二进制数据)
Is there a C# function that formats a 64bit quot;Unsignedquot; value to its equivalent binary value?(是否有格式化 64 位“无符号的 C# 函数?值与其等效的二进制值?)
How to pad a binary string with zeros?(如何用零填充二进制字符串?)
Convert string representation of binary number to int in C#(在 C# 中将二进制数的字符串表示形式转换为 int)
How to Binary Serializer Custom Class(如何二进制序列化器自定义类)
How to convert binary to string?(如何将二进制转换为字符串?)
How could I encode a string of 1s and 0s for transport?(我如何编码一串 1 和 0 用于传输?)
Strange behaviour of .NET binary serialization on Dictionarylt;Key, Valuegt;(Dictionarylt;Key, Valuegt; 上 .NET 二进制序列化的奇怪行为)
Encoding an integer in 7-bit format of C# BinaryReader.ReadString(以 C# BinaryReader.ReadString 的 7 位格式编码整数)