

How to communicate with USB 3G modem?(如何与 USB 3G 调制解调器通信?)
COM port is denied(COM 端口被拒绝)
Serial port communication in .NET(.NET 中的串行端口通信)
C# console application talking to Arduino via Bluetooth(C# 控制台应用程序通过蓝牙与 Arduino 对话)
Sms via a nokia phone over a serial port(通过串行端口通过诺基亚手机发送短信)
ObjectDisposedExecption after closing a .NET SerialPort(关闭 .NET SerialPort 后的 ObjectDisposedExecption)
C#: Proper way to close SerialPort with Winforms(C#:使用 Winforms 关闭 SerialPort 的正确方法)
Is it possible to simulate com port sending and receiving data using only C# programming?(是否可以仅使用 C# 编程来模拟 com 端口发送和接收数据?)
Accessing Bluetooth data via Serialport in C#(在 C# 中通过串口访问蓝牙数据)
Using same serial port data received event on two different forms(在两种不同的形式上使用相同的串口数据接收事件)