

Reparent non-modal form to existing application(将非模态表单重新映射到现有应用程序)
WinForms AcceptButton not working?(WinForms AcceptButton 不起作用?)
Is there an equivalent of Mac OS X Document modal sheet in .NET?(.NET 中是否有等效的 Mac OS X 文档模式表?)
The second Modal in my ASPX file doesn#39;t Post when clicking submit button(单击提交按钮时,我的 ASPX 文件中的第二个模态不会发布)
jQuery UI#39;s Dialog doesn#39;t work on ASP.NET(jQuery UI 的对话框在 ASP.NET 上不起作用)
C# WPF) how to minimize a parent window after child modal window is showed by showdialog()?(C#WPF)如何在showdialog()显示子模式窗口后最小化父窗口?)
Difference between .Owner property and ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)?(.Owner 属性和 ShowDialog(IWin32Window 所有者)之间的区别?)
Can#39;t set DialogResult in WPF(无法在 WPF 中设置 DialogResult)
WinForms programming - Modal and Non-Modal forms problem(WinForms 编程 - 模态和非模态表单问题)
Winforms: Close modal dialog when clicking outside the dialog(Winforms:在对话框外单击时关闭模式对话框)