SafeHandle and HandleRef(SafeHandle 和 HandleRef)
Why is it always necessary to implement IDisposable on an object that has an IDisposable member?(为什么总是需要在具有 IDisposable 成员的对象上实现 IDisposable?)
Large Object Heap fragmentation: CLR has any solution to it?(大对象堆碎片:CLR有什么解决办法吗?)
Will .Net Garbage Collect an object that#39;s not referenced, but has a thread that#39;s doing work?(.Net Garbage 是否会收集未引用但具有正在工作的线程的对象?)
Limiting the size of the managed heap in a C# application(限制 C# 应用程序中托管堆的大小)
C# GC for Server(用于服务器的 C# GC)
Delaying a task in C# - db context disposed(在 C# 中延迟任务 - 数据库上下文已处置)
Destructor in C# basic program does not work (output missing)(C# 基本程序中的析构函数不起作用(输出缺失))
Complex UI inside ListBoxItem(ListBoxItem 内的复杂 UI)
How do I loop through items in a list box and then remove those item?(如何遍历列表框中的项目,然后删除这些项目?)