C# implicit conversions and == operator(C# 隐式转换和 == 运算符)
Double.MaxValue to integer is negative?(Double.MaxValue 到整数是负数?)
How to convert a Date to a formatted string in VB.net?(如何在 VB.net 中将日期转换为格式化字符串?)
Why does this implicit conversion from int to uint work?(为什么这种从 int 到 uint 的隐式转换有效?)
Most efficient Dictionarylt;K,Vgt;.ToString() with formatting?(最有效的 Dictionarylt;K,Vgt;.ToString() 格式?)
What is the difference between Convert and Parse?(转换和解析有什么区别?)
How to do a static cast in C#?(如何在 C# 中进行静态转换?)
Convert byte[] to char[](将 byte[] 转换为 char[])
How could I convert data from string to long in c#(如何在 C# 中将数据从字符串转换为长整数)
TypeConverter vs. Convert vs. TargetType.Parse(TypeConverter vs. Convert vs. TargetType.Parse)