

Serializing heavily linked data in .NET (customizing JSON.NET references)(在 .NET 中序列化高度链接的数据(自定义 JSON.NET 引用))
How to parse nested JSON data structure(如何解析嵌套的 JSON 数据结构)
How can I deserialize JSON containing delimited JSON?(如何反序列化包含分隔 JSON 的 JSON?)
Json.Net calls property getter during deserialization of list, resulting in duplicate items(Json.Net在列表反序列化过程中调用属性getter,导致重复项)
Json.net failing to load certain properties belonging to a class object?(Json.net 无法加载属于类对象的某些属性?)
Newtonsoft JSON - Dynamic Objects(Newtonsoft JSON - 动态对象)
Property-based type resolution in JSON.NET(JSON.NET 中基于属性的类型解析)
How to serialize object to json with type info using Newtonsoft.Json?(如何使用 Newtonsoft.Json 将对象序列化为带有类型信息的 json?)
Json.NET Case-insensitive Property Deserialization(Json.NET 不区分大小写的属性反序列化)
How to get property from dynamic JObject programmatically(如何以编程方式从动态 JObject 获取属性)