

Best way to switch behavior based on type(根据类型切换行为的最佳方式)
Why does this polymorphic C# code print what it does?(为什么这个多态 C# 代码会打印它的功能?)
How are C# Generics implemented?(C#泛型是如何实现的?)
method hiding in c# with a valid example. why is it implemented in the framework? what is the Real world advantage?(隐藏在 c# 中的方法和一个有效的例子.为什么要在框架中实现?现实世界的优势是什么?)
Will GetType() return the most derived type when called from the base class?(从基类调用时,GetType() 会返回派生最多的类型吗?)
How to call base.base.method()?(如何调用 base.base.method()?)
What is Shadowing?(什么是阴影?)
How to do generic polymorphism on open types in C#?(如何在 C# 中对开放类型进行泛型多态性?)
C# : Is Variance (Covariance / Contravariance) another word for Polymorphism?(C#:方差(协方差/逆变)是多态性的另一个词吗?)
When to use enums, and when to replace them with a class with static members?(何时使用枚举,何时将其替换为具有静态成员的类?)