

How can I make all of the IDisposable classes colored differently in the Visual Studio IDE?(如何在 Visual Studio IDE 中使所有 IDisposable 类的颜色不同?)
Failed to queue test run: Unable to start the agent process(Visual Studio 2010)(未能将测试运行排队:无法启动代理进程(Visual Studio 2010))
Alternatives to MS Visual Studio .NET(MS Visual Studio .NET 的替代品)
Finding class descendants in Visual Studio 2010(在 Visual Studio 2010 中查找类后代)
Is there a *very* lightweight IDE for .net?(是否有适用于 .net 的*非常*轻量级 IDE?)
System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser open links in same window or new window with same session(System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser 在同一窗口或具有同一会话的新窗口中打开链接)
How to allow for multiple popups at once in WinRT?(如何在 WinRT 中一次允许多个弹出窗口?)
jQuery Popup Window Return Value to Parent(jQuery弹出窗口返回值给父级)
Helper functions for safe conversion from strings(用于从字符串安全转换的辅助函数)
IDE#39;s for C# development on Linux?(IDE 用于 Linux 上的 C# 开发?)