

Specific cast is not valid, while retrieving scope_identity(在检索 scope_identity 时,特定演员表无效)
ADO.Net SQLCommand.ExecuteReader() slows down or hangs(ADO.Net SQLCommand.ExecuteReader() 变慢或挂起)
Function Imports in Entity Model with a non-Entity Return Type(具有非实体返回类型的实体模型中的函数导入)
How to update a record without selecting that record again in ADO.NET Entity Framework?(如何更新记录而不在 ADO.NET Entity Framework 中再次选择该记录?)
Is it possible to use query parameters to fill the IN keyword(是否可以使用查询参数填充IN关键字)
In-Out Parameter for SqlCommand(SqlCommand 的 In-Out 参数)
Which ADO.NET DataSet/DataTable Methods Are Safe For Multiple Reader Threads?(哪些 ADO.NET 数据集/数据表方法对于多个读取器线程是安全的?)
TransactionScope Prematurely Completed(TransactionScope 过早完成)
How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in ASP.NET(如何从 ASP.NET 中的数据表/数据视图中选择前 n 行)
How do I obtain a list of all schemas in a Sql Server database(如何获取 Sql Server 数据库中所有模式的列表)