我为我的项目开发了一个设置应用程序,其中必备软件将从供应商网站下载.这样做我在尝试安装该应用程序时收到水晶报告错误,说 setup 检测到文件"自最初发布以来已更改
我的应用程序的目标框架:.Net Framework 3.5
并在 Visual Studio 2010
CRE 肯定有问题.请参阅以下步骤:
<块引用>在以下文件夹中,您将找到一个 product.xml 文件.Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ABootstrapperPackagesCrystal报告 4.0
在记事本(或任何文本编辑器)中打开 product.xml 文件,在该部分下,您将找到 2 个指向 2部署包.将每个 URL 复制到您的网络浏览器并手动复制下载软件包.
下载包后,将它们复制到与 product.xml 文件相同的文件夹中(参见上面的#1).
I have developed a setup application for my project, wherein prerequisite software's will be downloaded from vendors website. Doing this i got crystal reports error when i try to install that application, saying setup has detected that the file "" has changed since it was initially published
targeted framework of my application : .Net Framework 3.5
and Developed in Visual Studio 2010
please help me...
Definately a problem with the CRE. See the steps below:
In the following folder, you will find a product.xml file. Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ABootstrapperPackagesCrystal Reports 4.0
Open the product.xml file in Notepad (or any text editor) and under the section, you will find 2 URLs that point to the 2 deployment packages. Copy each URL into your web browser and manually download the packages.
Once the packages are downloaded, copy them to the same folder as the product.xml file (see #1 above).