Crystal Reports 无法正确呈现

Crystal Reports will not render correctly(Crystal Reports 无法正确呈现)
本文介绍了Crystal Reports 无法正确呈现的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将 Web 应用程序部署到 Windows 2012 Server,但 Crystal Report Viewer 无法在服务器上正确呈现;但它在本地工作得很好.

I am trying to deploy a web application to a Windows 2012 Server, but the Crystal Report Viewer will not render correctly on the server; but it works just fine locally.

我的 web.config 文件有正确的水晶标签:

My web.config file has the correct crystal tags:

    <sectionGroup name="businessObjects">
        <sectionGroup name="crystalReports">
            <section name="rptBuildProvider" type="CrystalDecisions.Shared.RptBuildProviderHandler, CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304, Custom=null"/>
            <section name="crystalReportViewer" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"></section>

            <add embedRptInResource="true" />
            <add key="ResourceUri" value="/crystalreportviewers13" />


  • Crystal Reports 运行时 13.0.14
  • IIS 8.0
  • Windows Server 2012


好的,经过数周的挠头、赏金和谷歌搜索,我终于找到了问题所在.Crystal 运行时运行良好,这是浏览器兼容性 CSS 问题.我在页面中添加了跟随元标记,现在它在 IE 中呈现得很好.

OK, so after weeks of head scratching, bounty offering, and Googling, I finally figured out the problem. The Crystal Runtime was working fine, it was a browser-compatibility-CSS issue. I added the follow meta tag to the page, and now it renders just fine in IE.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

不幸的是,它仍然无法在 Chrome 中正确呈现,但这是一个完全不同的问题.

Unfortunately, it still does not render properly in Chrome, but that's a whole-nother problem.

这篇关于Crystal Reports 无法正确呈现的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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