

Rotate an image in C++ without using OpenCV functions(在 C++ 中旋转图像而不使用 OpenCV 函数)
Accessing certain pixel RGB value in openCV(在openCV中访问某些像素RGB值)
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning(使用 OpenCV 和机器学习进行简单的对象检测)
OpenCV 2.3 Compiling Issue - Undefined Refence - Ubuntu 11.10(OpenCV 2.3 编译问题 - 未定义参考 - Ubuntu 11.10)
Blending does not remove seams in OpenCV(混合不会去除 OpenCV 中的接缝)
Nonfree module is missing in OpenCV 3.0(OpenCV 3.0 中缺少非自由模块)
Camera position in world coordinate from cv::solvePnP(来自 cv::solvePnP 的世界坐标中的相机位置)
openCV program compile error quot;libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryquot; in ubuntu 12.04(openCV 程序编译错误“libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory在 Ubuntu 12.04)
Copy an cv::Mat inside a ROI of another one(在另一个 ROI 内复制一个 cv::Mat)
Compiling a static executable with CMake(使用 CMake 编译静态可执行文件)