Quadruple Precision in C++ (GCC)(C++ (GCC) 中的四倍精度)
C floating point precision(C 浮点精度)
How is floating point conversion actually done in C++?(double to float or float to double)(浮点转换实际上是如何在 C++ 中完成的?(双浮点或浮点双倍))
Why does adding 0 to the end of float literal change how it rounds (possible GCC bug)?(为什么在浮点文字的末尾添加 0 会改变它的舍入方式(可能是 GCC 错误)?)
Does one double promote every int in the equation to double?(一个 double 是否将方程中的每个 int 都提升为 double?)
How to alter a float by its smallest increment (or close to it)?(如何通过最小增量(或接近它)改变浮点数?)
Math precision requirements of C and C++ standard(C 和 C++ 标准的数学精度要求)
Stopping the debugger when a NaN floating point number is produced(产生 NaN 浮点数时停止调试器)
Printing double without losing precision(双印不失精度)
C++ floating point to integer type conversions(C++ 浮点到整数类型的转换)