Finding nearest point in an efficient way(以有效的方式找到最近的点)
How to know that a triangle triple exists in our array?(如何知道我们的数组中存在三角形三元组?)
Get the points of intersection from 2 rectangles(从2个矩形中获取交点)
Fast uniformly distributed random points on the surface of a unit hemisphere(单位半球表面上快速均匀分布的随机点)
Rasterizing a 2D polygon(栅格化 2D 多边形)
Find out if 2 lines intersect(找出两条线是否相交)
Data structure for fast line queries?(快速线路查询的数据结构?)
Generating outside supporters into mesh for 3D printing(将外部支持者生成网格以进行 3D 打印)
Algorithm to cover maximal number of points with one circle of given radius(用一个给定半径的圆覆盖最大点数的算法)
Seam issue when mapping a texture to a sphere in OpenGL(在 OpenGL 中将纹理映射到球体时出现接缝问题)