

performance of unsigned vs signed integers(无符号与有符号整数的性能)
How to store extremely large numbers?(如何存储极大的数字?)
How do you append an int to a string in C++?(如何在 C++ 中将 int 附加到字符串?)
Definition of int64_t(int64_t 的定义)
Why does the most negative int value cause an error about ambiguous function overloads?(为什么最负的 int 值会导致模棱两可的函数重载错误?)
How can I add and subtract 128 bit integers in C or C++ if my compiler does not support them?(如果我的编译器不支持,如何在 C 或 C++ 中加减 128 位整数?)
Difference between long and int data types(long 和 int 数据类型之间的区别)
What#39;s the difference between long long and long(long long 和 long 和有什么不一样)
C++ convert hex string to signed integer(C ++将十六进制字符串转换为有符号整数)
How can I use cout lt;lt; myclass(如何使用 cout lt;lt;我的课)