

How to convert a char array to a string?(如何将char数组转换为字符串?)
Deprecated conversion from string literal to #39;char*#39;(不推荐将字符串文字转换为 char*)
cannot convert #39;const char*#39; to #39;LPCWSTR {aka const wchar_t*}#39;(无法将 const char* 转换为 LPCWSTR {aka const wchar_t*})
strcmp or string::compare?(strcmp 或 string::compare?)
What is the simplest way to convert char[] to/from tchar[] in C/C++(ms)?(在 C/C++(ms) 中将 char[] 转换为 tchar[] 的最简单方法是什么?)
Assign a string literal to a char*(将字符串文字分配给 char*)
Why can#39;t I static_cast between char * and unsigned char *?(为什么我不能在 char * 和 unsigned char * 之间进行静态转换?)
Bytewise reading of memory: quot;signed char *quot; vs quot;unsigned char *quot;(按字节读取内存:“signed char *vs“无符号字符*)
Why does adding a #39;0#39; to an int digit allow conversion to a char?(为什么将“0添加到 int 数字允许转换为 char?)
Preferred conversion from char (not char*) to std::string(从 char(不是 char*)到 std::string 的首选转换)