3 月 21 日st,标准委员会投票批准了弃用 std::iterator
在 P0174:
On March 21st the standards committee voted to approve the deprecation of std::iterator
proposed in P0174:
与简单地在类定义本身中提供预期的 typedef
相比,长长的 void 参数序列对读者来说不太清楚,这是当前工作草案所采用的方法,遵循模式设置在 c++14一个>
The long sequence of void arguments is much less clear to the reader than simply providing the expected
s in the class definition itself, which is the approach taken by the current working draft, following the pattern set in c++14
之前 c++17鼓励从 std::iterator
继承 以消除迭代器样板实现中的乏味.但弃用将需要以下条件之一:
Before c++17 inheritance from std::iterator
was encouraged to remove the tedium from iterator boilerplate implementation. But the deprecation will require one of these things:
- 迭代器样板文件现在需要包含所有必需的
s - 使用迭代器的算法现在需要使用
而不是依赖迭代器来声明类型 - Loki Astari 建议
可以更新以工作,而无需从std:: 继承迭代器
- An iterator boilerplate will now need to include all required
s - Algorithms working with iterators will now need to use
rather than depending upon the iterator to declare types - Loki Astari has suggested that
may be updated to work without inheriting fromstd::iterator
在我设计自定义迭代器时着眼于 c++17 兼容性?
Can someone enlighten me on which of these options I should expect, as I design custom iterators with an eye towards c++17 compatibility?
The discussed alternatives are clear but I feel that a code example is needed.
鉴于不会有语言替代品并且不依赖于 boost 或您自己版本的迭代器基类,以下使用 std::iterator
Given that there will not be a language substitute and without relying on boost or on your own version of iterator base class, the following code that uses std::iterator
will be fixed to the code underneath.
template<long FROM, long TO>
class Range {
// member typedefs provided through inheriting from std::iterator
class iterator: public std::iterator<
std::forward_iterator_tag, // iterator_category
long, // value_type
long, // difference_type
const long*, // pointer
const long& // reference
> {
long num = FROM;
iterator(long _num = 0) : num(_num) {}
iterator& operator++() {num = TO >= FROM ? num + 1: num - 1; return *this;}
iterator operator++(int) {iterator retval = *this; ++(*this); return retval;}
bool operator==(iterator other) const {return num == other.num;}
bool operator!=(iterator other) const {return !(*this == other);}
long operator*() {return num;}
iterator begin() {return FROM;}
iterator end() {return TO >= FROM? TO+1 : TO-1;}
(代码来自 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/iterator 已获得原作者许可).
(Code from http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/iterator with original author's permission).
template<long FROM, long TO>
class Range {
class iterator {
long num = FROM;
iterator(long _num = 0) : num(_num) {}
iterator& operator++() {num = TO >= FROM ? num + 1: num - 1; return *this;}
iterator operator++(int) {iterator retval = *this; ++(*this); return retval;}
bool operator==(iterator other) const {return num == other.num;}
bool operator!=(iterator other) const {return !(*this == other);}
long operator*() {return num;}
// iterator traits
using difference_type = long;
using value_type = long;
using pointer = const long*;
using reference = const long&;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
iterator begin() {return FROM;}
iterator end() {return TO >= FROM? TO+1 : TO-1;}
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