
C++11 lambda implementation and memory model(C++11 lambda 实现和内存模型)
Why can#39;t I create a vector of lambdas (of the same type) in C++11?(为什么我不能在 C++11 中创建一个 lambda 向量(相同类型)?)
how to specify vc11 lambda calling convention(如何指定 vc11 lambda 调用约定)
Explicit Return Type of Lambda(Lambda 的显式返回类型)
C++11 lambda returning lambda(C++11 lambda 返回 lambda)
What#39;s the reason of using auto self(shared_from_this()) variable in lambda function?(在 lambda 函数中使用 auto self(shared_from_this()) 变量的原因是什么?)
Understanding how Lambda closure type has deleted default constructor(了解 Lambda 闭包类型如何删除默认构造函数)
Lambdas and capture by reference local variables : Accessing after the scope(Lambdas 和通过引用局部变量捕获:在作用域之后访问)
Are lambdas inlined like functions in C++?(lambda 是否像 C++ 中的函数一样内联?)
How can I store a lambda expression as a field of a class in C++11?(如何在 C++11 中将 lambda 表达式存储为类的字段?)