
Angularjs promise not being resolved in unit test(Angularjs 承诺不会在单元测试中解决)
AngularJS Promise Callback Not Trigged in JasmineJS Test(JasmineJS 测试中未触发 AngularJS Promise 回调)
How do I test angularjs directive to spy on the function call?(如何测试 angularjs 指令以监视函数调用?)
Jasmine angularjs - spying on a method that is called when controller is initialized(Jasmine angularjs - 监视初始化控制器时调用的方法)
How do I test an externally served app using Testacular + AngularJS(如何使用 Testacular + AngularJS 测试外部服务的应用程序)
How to sum two fields in AngularJS and show the result in an label?(如何对 AngularJS 中的两个字段求和并在标签中显示结果?)
Angularjs - ng-route not working on IE9 - the views are not displayed(Angularjs - ng-route 在 IE9 上不起作用 - 不显示视图)
Preview Image before uploading Angularjs(在上传 Angularjs 之前预览图片)
这次我们使用Angular2的指令来实现。 指令实现hover效果: import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';@Directive({ selector: '[myHighlight]'})export class HighlightDirective { constructor(private el: E